Nana Ama is made with a wood and leather combo. Perfectly sized to be carried alone as a clutch or to fit into your handbag. iys aura of sophistication and elegance makes it suitable for all occasions. Every wearer is assured of distinction as no two pieces are the same because no two pieces of wood have the same grain pattern.
It comes with a free tube of wood balm to help maintain its shine.
PLEASE NOTE this product is available only as pre-order. It takes approximately 2 weeks for orders to be completed and shipped. A full payment is required for all PRE-ORDERS, and Made-To-Order will be processed immediately, once payment is made.
Our Social Impact:
1% of the proceeds from every item sold goes towards our Social Initiatives Fund to support mentoring, education, and internship programs in partnership with our designers in their home country in Africa.
L x W x H
Community Minded
Gender Equality
Sustainable Materials
Shipped from Ghana, West Africa from our marketplace seller.
Estimated delivery is 3 - 7 working days from the date of dispatch.
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